First pole new yard Jachtbouw Zevenhuizen

At the end of 2001 Jachtbouw Zevenhuizen bought a piece of land with the purpose of building a new yard in Harlingen.

At this new location directly on the Van Harinxmakanaal, Zevenhuizen was already active with its own harbour with approx. 35 berths. Last week the third generation, Rients Henk van Sluis, gave the start for the new complex. In Harlingen Jachtbouw Zevenhuizen is also the address for repairs and refits, carpentry, GRP constructions and winter storage. De new location of approx. 3000 m² will be up and running as from half September, so heated winter storage will already be possible for upcoming winter.
North-Line Yachts | Kelvinstraat 2D | 8861 ND HARLINGEN | Tel. +31 (0)517 391054

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